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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Wales & Manchester

It was Ganesh Sir's 29th B'Day on 16th Feb.
I don't know the particular significance of 29th B'Day but we (Me & Harsh) just went ahead & planned for the trip. Of Course I was getting an additional opportunity to Kick Ganesh, & IMHO only fools miss golden opportunities like these.

So me & Harsh booked a Mercedes (Yeah, a Mercedes) & were looking ahead for the weekend. Unfortunately Harsh wasn't 30 & the Mercedes could be rented only to a driver above 30. Seriously Harsh is of no use.... What's the use of being 27 when you cant get a Mercedes?

Anyway we got a Passat. The care was huge, very comfortable & even had a Sports mode. So we 2 took off for a 300 mile journey.

These are some of the pictures I shot on this 3 day trip.

Me, Ganesh, Harsh & Kodappa went to Wales on the First Day.

Seriously trying to look Cool. The idea is of Vivek Kodappa.
This was the first service station we stopped at for a break.

Tall, Taller Tallest. Wales, after driving some 150 miles from Manchester.

Vivek wanted to take this photo as solo. Haha haha.... I just ruined his idea. :))

Everybody wanted his single picture, Finally Ganesh Sir offered to take mine. :))

This picture is shot from a the back seat of moving car, with the VR on.
I agree that the light is a little low, but the focus in the picture is amazing. Those white lumps in the background are sheep actually!!!

I shot this picture while coming back from North Wales.
This I guess is one of my most beautiful shots till date. The lightning is pretty good, though the focus a little blur. The picture is shot from the roof top of the car. The Shot is a little blurred because of the shake while releasing the shutter button. Only if I had arrived here a couple of minutes before & had a Tripod, this would have been a perfect shot.

That's Me and Ganesh in Manchester United Club store.
You can see the slanted floor cutting across the picture. It has got nothing to do with the shot, The Picture is like that only, hence the Players on the left don't have their full legs visible.

Harsh (The Driver Sahab), Ganesh(The B'Day Boy) & me in front of Manachester buisness school.

I shot this one just for the sake of fun. Taken through the wind shield while coming back from Manchester. Nothing Great, But somehow I like it.

This was my last shot in this trip. Me & Harsh had stopped at a service station. I saw the sun going down & thought it would look good. I shot this one & decided that a shot after 10 minutes would look better. So me & Harsh went inside the cafe for a cup of coffee. Unfortunately Harsh took so much time in selecting the coffee, that the sun was completely down by the time we came out. No wonder, I call him useless :))


Musings... said...

hey...such sweet pics! Very lovely...I just had to comment!

Anonymous said...

dude...nice way to spend someone's b'day...shud admit tht u have tiny little photographic skill...waiting for more pics..

PluvR said...

I wish i would have known u well at the time trip was planned :-))then i might have got the chance to enjoy two more places with u..

Missed it :((